Saturday, October 24, 2009


Pioneer Woman is one of my favourite bloggers of all time.  She's a blogger icon in the world of photography.  Recently she started a photography group on flickr where she chooses a weekly assignment and members post their photos to the group and then she features her favs on her blog.  Well I just about fell out of my chair tonight when I discovered she had selected not one but TWO of my pictures for her blog!  OMG!  I've been following her blog for years and to actually be featured on it is a dream come true especially when I look at the other photos she chose. Wow. I'm so honoured that she thought I was worthy to be in the same league with some of those other photogs.  The first photo she selected was taken just last week as part of my 365 day project.  I snapped the other pic last spring in Beacon Hill park.  Check out her blog and see for yourself!  And since they're on her blog I'd better post them on mine too!