Friday, May 27, 2011

I can't take it anymore.

The guilt. I can't take it. Every time I open my rss feeds there you are. My poor, sad, abandoned blog. Like the withering garden outside my front window (which I have also completely ignored this spring..) I know you are there but I just can't bring myself to pay attention to you. Yet tonight I find myself needing you again.  Wanting to revisit you. I've missed you.  So I hope you accept my sincerest apologies and can forgive me for the neglect. 

Let's start fresh. It's spring. The sun is shining (not really but I'm sure it's there somewhere), the flowers are blooming (again, not really but let's just pretend for poetry's sake), and I'm feeling the blog love again.  A lot has happened since the last time we visited.  Too much to catch up on tonight.  But I'll ease into things with some photos of my favourite wee nibs Kyla. Afterall, who can resist a baby?  We visited her last weekend and she's just as cute as always. 


And Kyla's entertainment for the evening - my offspring - older but none the wiser.


So there you have it. I'm back at it. Just me, my blog and my one follower (Hi Honey!)